Mi Reparations


Resources to Understanding what are Lineage-Based Reparations

Reparations 101 Resource Guide


Black American Descendent Resource Community

Past Events

November 5th will be a day of uniting Foundational Black Americans with knowledge and Solutions that will move us forward in lineage-based Reparations. 

We are taking executive and legislative steps to confront the US Government in its role as the perpetrator of the enslavement of Black American Chattle Slavery and to ensure that Decendents of American Chattle Slavery victims and their heirs receive restitution and/or compensation.

Black Americans who can trace their lineage to the 1850,1860, and 1870 Federal Census are resetting the Black American culture and cultivating an existence of empowerment, innovativeness, heritage, and remembrance. Our restitution measures range from compensating, share choppers, Freedman and heirs for assets wrongfully seized.  

Picture of Tia Marie Sanders
Tia Marie Sanders

Host and Speaker